Actually speaking, there is no specific technology for processing any specific product in any specific flexible containers. But there are good guidelines for processing the food in flexible containers.

Fo-value recommendations and technology guidelines from any technologists or institutes are to be understood as general guidelines at best and should always be applied in trial runs followed by microbiological analysis.

When ever the processor receives the processing retirt stand technology from a technology transfer center or a food research institute, it should be noted that the mentioned technology was developed only for that particular product, which was processed in a particular type of retort (may be in a small pilot retort), with a particular recipe and formulation, with specific pH value and with specific precooking procedures and cooling method.

That specific process technology should be applicable only for that specific product which should be processed in similar conditions while it was developed by the concerned technologists.It is meaningless to apply the same process technology to other types of dissimilar products. The processor has to develop own specific technology for their specific product based on the type and characteristics of the products, type of packing material, type of retort, type of sterilization method etc. by following the international guidelines for the technology development.

Whenever the processor changes any of the following parameters, he has to re-standardize the existing technology to make it suitable for the new product.

* The container size and type (flat or stand up type pouches with different capacities)
* Orientation of pouches inside the retort (vertical or horizontal)
* Material and structure of pouches (aluminum foiled or microwavable)
* Type of packing material (cans, trays or pouches)
* Head Space and amount of vacuum present inside the pouches.
* Product Formulation
* Product quantity
* Recipe
* Retort (type, size, or processing method)
* Pre processing techniques
* Cooling method etc.